pages of blog

Thursday 10 July 2014

HTML , The paragraph

the paragraph in html , is easy and sample , how do it ?

 To separate paragraph for paragraph , we use <p>
also , we use <br>  for write Each line alone : <br>
we use <b>  for write a line in Boor : <b>

My first page 
<body bgcolor='red'>
<p> hello </p>
<p> this is my first page , i learn html with the blog php-followers , it is sample and easy </p>
<br> but ..! you must look at futur 
<br> because the programming is very good with us 
<br> ok <br>
<b> thank you very much ... </b> 

try it your self ....! 

the result  

the next : how to use the form in HTML

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