pages of blog

Monday 23 June 2014

cour 1 : how to write scripte of login

if you are tyro in PHP , i will present the simple scripte for programming login page 

first step : You must learn HTML because you know what i write . ok

for create a form of login . open bloc not or other  editor , and save a file by name : exemple.php
Reminder that you need to download and anstall the compiler of PHP language , its simple and easy for all programmers .from

ok . we start after you create new file by name : exemple.php 
this code of login form 

the form login in html ,
Contains the begin and the end .ok 

the begin is : 
and the end is 
the begin must have an action . ok what is the action

the action is the  Property, which must be equal to the value of the page to send data supplied 
by our login form , like name and password . we use the next page is The same page .ok
the method is 2 
we prefer POST because we are tyro 
it is the method used befor send data .ok

Between the begin and the end , we must define the INPUT ... 

input of name 
input of password 
input of buttom 

in all input we must define propriety 
name of input -
type of input 
value of input 
hahahah its simple 
in type of input . we choose for the one : text , because its visuel 
the type password is not visuel .

last type of input , for the buttom , so if you need a buttom , its simple and easy 

type ="sumbit "
the result.

thank you befor follow , and this is all

in next cour we set a decoration of our login form by CSS

thank you


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