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Tuesday 24 June 2014

cour 2 : how to set propriety of login form ( CSS)

html     is the language of creation elements , like the element that we creat in last cour

and css (cascading style sheets) , help to set propriety of elements , like : height , width , background ...... 
and in this cour we need to know how to creat a simple code befour help us to set  decoration of our login form .

this code bellow , is of possitioning . and the color of login-form background


follow me : 
1- open bloc not and save the file by (style.css) and write the last code 
2- you need to open our file of last cour (exemple.php) and adding the code : 
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
why this code ?

for define the styling of our login form , this styling in file style.css (href="style.css") 

you need to learn CSS , its simple and easy from all of css  

we define that the position is absolute , for set the value of top and left , its the Place is what counts
and we define the color of login form background .
ok its easy .... 

so try it ... 

 if you try it and the result is showing as bellow , then you are the best  . hahahaha 

Lesson ended , i hope that my explain is simple . in the next cour we know how to set an action of login form by PHP . 
thank you 



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